Last January, our classrooms filled with the joy of all our students, who began their second semester of the school year.

El pasado mes de enero, nuestros salones de clases se llenaron de la alegría de todos nuestros estudiantes, quienes iniciaron su segundo semestre del año escolar, abriendo paso a una experiencia llena de valiosos aprendizajes, fortalecer lazos de amistad y adquirir nuevos conocimientos. 📓🚀

Inauguration of the Nicolás Güete Laverdes Coliseum

On January 30th we proudly inaugurated the Nicolás Güete Laverdes Coliseum! After an extensive renovation, this facility is the new home for basketball and symbolizes our commitment to students, focusing on strengthening sportsmanship, fostering healthy competition, and promoting the values that characterize an upright leader.

Con mucha alegría, el pasado 30 de enero, se realizó la inauguración del nuevo coliseo de baloncesto Nicolás Güete Laverdes. Este espacio representa nuestro compromiso con los estudiantes, enfocándonos en fortalecer el espíritu deportivo, fomentar la sana competencia y promover los valores que caracterizan a un líder íntegro.

2024 Mid- High Royal Carnival Parade

The colors, joy, and the sound of the drums took over the streets of our school with the grand parade of the 2024 Royal Carnival, in which the Mid-high students were the protagonists.  We had the honor of welcoming Carnival King 2024, Juventino Ojito, whose joy spread our School Community.

Los colores y el ritmo de los tambores se tomaron las calles de nuestro colegio con la Gran Parada 2024, en el que los estudiantes de la Básica Media y Secundaria, fueron los protagonistas. Durante el evento, contamos la visita especial de Juventino Ojito, Rey Momo del Carnaval de Baranquilla 2024. 

2024 Preschool and Primary Carnival Parade

This is how we enjoyed the Royal Carnival 2024👑

The past February 9th, was the turn for our Preschool and Primary students who let their creativity fly through dance, colors, and the traditions of our Carnival. 🥳👑


El pasado 9 de febrero fue el turno para los estudiantes de Preescolar y Primaria, quienes dejaron volar su creatividad a través de la danza, los colores y las tradiciones de nuestro Carnaval. 

100 Days of School

We celebrated 100 days of school, highlighting the effort, dedication, and accomplishments achieved. As part of their «100-day» project, our preschool students created and wore t-shirts commemorating this event.

Celebrating this stage of the journey had never being so fun! 🤩👑.


Durante el mes de febrero celebramos los 100 días de clases, en el que resaltamos el esfuerzo, dedicación y los logros cumplidos. Como parte de su proyecto «100- day», nuestros estudiantes de Preescolar realizaron y vistieron camisetas alusivas a este evento. 

St. Patrick's Day

May the luck if the Irish be with you! ☘️🌈

On March 15th, our school was dressed in green. Through fun activities, our Preschool and Primary students celebrated St. Patrick’s Day.

El pasado 15 de marzo, nuestro colegio se vistió de verde. A través de divertidas actividades, los estudiantes de Preescolar y Primaria celebraron el Día de San Patricio.


Last March, the III Royal MUN was held in our school. This educational event aimed to impact skills in public speaking, leadership, and the development of critical analysis on global issues and conflict resolution.

El pasado mes de marzo, se realizó el Modelo de Naciones Unidas en su tercera edición. Este espacio pedagógico tuvo como objetivo impactar en las habilidades de oratoria, liderazgo y desarrollo del análisis crítico ante problemáticas mundiales y resolución de conflictos.

Dr. Seuss Festival

We looked! Then we saw him step in on the mat! We looked! And we saw him! The Cat in the Hat! 🎩📚

On March 22nd, our Preschool and 1st-grade students participated in the Dr. Seuss Festival, where they performed some of the author’s most iconic books and songs.


El pasado 22 de marzo, nuestros estudiantes de Preescolar y 1° participaron del Dr. Seuss Festival, en el que representaron algunos de libros y canciones más representativos del autor. 

Easter Egg Hunt

How many Easter eggs did you find at school? 🥳🐰

As part of the Easter Celebration, our Preschool and Primary students participated in an egg hunt across different areas of our CRRS campus.

¿Cuántos huevos de pascua encontraste en el colegio? 🥳🐰

Como parte de la Celebración de Pascua, nuestros de estudiantes de Preescolar y Primaria participaron de la búsqueda de huevos en los diferentes espacios de nuestro campus.


Blessing of the National Standardized Test Taking Kit for our Seniors 2024

We wished them all the best! 🌟

Our Seniors 2024 received the blessing of their kits, prior to taking their Saber 11 National Standardized Test.

III Entrepreneurship Fair

Creativity and gastronomy were the protagonists of the III Entrepreneurship Fair. The Royal Arena was the venue for this third edition, where 4th, 5th-grade and the Business Club students presented their ventures to the school community. 👏

Ceremony of Light

Our 3rd-grade students participated in the Ceremony of Light and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, reaffirming their baptismal commitments, prior to receiving the Sacrament of Communion. 🙏

First Holy Communion

We congratulate our 3rd-grade, Catholic students who received their First Holy Communion last Saturday . This Sacrament marks the beginning of a new stage in their lives. We are proud to have been part of this important moment. Congratulations to all! 🙏

Children's Day

Bubbles, dancing, and fun. This is how our Preschool and Primary students enjoyed Children’s Day!

Burbujas, baile y diversión. Así disfrutaron nuestros estudiantes de Primaria el ‘Día del niño’. 

Mes del Idioma Español

Como cierre del Mes del Idioma, el pasado mes de abril nuestra comunidad escolar participó de la Asamblea literaria, un espacio en el que estudiantes y profesores, personificaron a sus personajes literarios, autores y obras literarias favoritas. 📚


Closing Ceremony Copa Alianza XVII

With #RoyalPride we highlight all the students who participated in the last version of Copa Alianza, who with a sporting spirit, participated in the different soccer tournaments. ⚽

May Day

To celebrate the spirit of the Virgin Mary, our school held the May Day ceremony, a beautiful tradition where students from first to eleventh grade were honored as May Boy and May Girl by their peers for exemplifying her values. Congratulations to the recipients! 🌷

Senior Walk 2024

Our Seniors ’24 took their final steps through the halls of the school.

We wished them success in the new chapters they were about to begin🚀🌎.

This will always be your school!👑

Parents' Day

Our students organized  amazing shows and activities to celebrate Parents’ Day. 👏

Eco- Marathon 2024

Our Primary and Mid- High students participated  in the III Eco-Marathon organized by the members of the Ecology Club. This sports day was filled with activities aimed at raising awareness about environmental care. 🌎

We were honored to have the special visit and participation of alumni and renowned athletes such as Gian Luca Bacci and Samir Reveiz. 

2025 Fifth Graders Walk

Our 5th-grade students culminated their elementary school cycle, and with joy, we bid farewell to their last steps through the elementary school hallways.

Good luck, future middle schoolers! 👏🌟

Transition Ceremony

The students in Transition were showered with  applauses and love as they left the Preschool section to embark on their next adventure in Primary! 👏🤩

Fifth Grade Transition Ceremony

In a significant ceremony our fifth graders transitioned from Primary to Middle School! It was a moment filled with both nostalgia for the memories made and anticipation for the adventures awaiting. Here’s to the journey ahead! 👏🤩

Seniors 2024 Graduation Ceremony

On Saturday, June 8th, our seventeenth graduating class took a step into a new chapter receiving their Academic Bachillerato diploma with an emphasis in Environmental Science and Natural Sciences. To our Seniors 2024, we extend our warmest congratulations! Your achievements fill us with pride, and we’re excited to see the remarkable paths you’ll carve in the future. As you embark on this new journey, remember to carry the values of our school community with you. We are confident that you’ll shine brightly wherever life takes you! Congrats! 🎓🌏.

¡Felicitaciones! 🎓

Un nuevo ciclo se abre para nuestros Seniors 2024 que el pasado sábado 8 de junio, en ceremonia pública, recibieron el título de Bachilleres Bilingües con profundización en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental. Extendemos nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones a la décima séptima promoción de bachilleres Real 2024. Deseamos para ellos muchos éxitos en esta nueva etapa que están por comenzar, llevando con orgullo los valores que nos caracterizan como comunidad Real a donde quiera que vayan. 🌎


Colegio Real Royal School      Autopista Vía al Mar, Poste 66





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